Analysis in Phenomenological Design of the Experiences of Psychological Counselors in the Earthquake Region

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

psychological first aid- psychosocial intervention- psychological resilience- psychological counselors- Earthquake


The aim of this study is to examine the motivations of psychological counselors to go to the earthquake zone, the work they did there and their feelings about it, the ways to ensure psychological resilience and their suggestions on this issue. The study included 14 psychological counselors who provide psychological first aid (PFA) and psychosocial support (PSS) services in disaster settings. Semi-structured interview method was used to collect the data and content analysis was used to analyze the data. When the motivations of the psychological counselors participating in PFA and PSS services for going to the disaster area and working there were examined, it was seen that two different themes emerged: personal motivation and professional motivation sources. Psychological counselors reported that they conducted artistic activities, PFA and PSS activities in the disaster zone. Psychological counselors stated that they tried to protect their psychological resilience by doing emotional, cognitive and physical activities in the earthquake zone. Psychological counselors emphasized the importance of factors such as expectations from the psychosocial support team, personal coping resources, cognitive and emotional readiness, and physical health protection to protect the psychological resilience of field experts who will work in the disaster zone. Participants categorized their feelings about their experiences in the earthquake zone as pleasant emotions and unpleasant emotions. This study reveals findings that can inform social welfare interventions and policies that can be designed to address the nature of disasters, including activities carried out in disaster zones, personal characteristics, social/environmental interactions, and demands for protection and recovery. Strategies for maintaining mental strength in disaster situations include maintaining self-care, having critical coping skills, seeking professional psychological support or supervision when needed, and ensuring high levels of motivation and collaboration, maintaining professional boundaries and continuity.


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