High School Teachers' Opinions on Homework

Homework, high school, homework types, teacher views, measurement and evaluationAbstract
The research aims to examine the opinions of high school teachers about homework. The researchers designed the study as a phenomenology design, a qualitative research method. The researchers developed a semi-structured interview form as a data collection tool in the study. Six branch teachers working in three different types of high schools, namely Vocational High School, Anatolian High School, and Project-Based Science High School in Erzurum city centre during the 2021-2022 academic year, voluntarily participated. They were included in the research using the maximum diversity sampling method. The researchers examined the data obtained using the thematic analysis method. As a result of the analysis, while there were general differences in our teachers' opinions about homework, similarities were seen in using homework as a measurement-evaluation tool. Notably, homework, which serves as an essential method in the educational process, exhibits profound differences among teachers and students. These differences encompass a broad spectrum, spanning from the type of school to the type of course, encompassing how homework is implemented and the approaches students take towards it. Furthermore, the researchers have identified that the primary motivation for completing homework in high school either stems from anxiety about receiving grades or arises from the preference of senior students for a single type of homework (question-solving) as they strive to prepare for university exams.
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