Perspectives of Science and Art Center (BİLSEM) Teachers and Students on Distance Education: The Example of İzmir Province
The aim of this study is to reveal the perspectives of teachers working in Science and Art Centers (BİLSEM) and elementary-level students attending these schools in İzmir province regarding distance education. The research, which utilized the qualitative research method of phenomenology, was conducted in five Science and Art Centers located in İzmir during the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. Thirteen teachers and 35 elementary school students working in these centers participated in the study, which took place in April and May. The data was collected through structured interviews with the teachers and semi-structured and structured interviews with the students, using open-ended questions developed by the researcher. The data was analyzed using a descriptive approach. The findings of the study indicate that teachers employed various online communication tools and different methods and techniques in distance education. It was observed that no quantitative evaluation was conducted in BİLSEM; however, teachers resorted to various methods for tracking what was taught. Based on the findings from the teachers, it was concluded that university education, postgraduate education, and similar factors contributed to gaining technological competence. Although the students had positive feelings toward distance education, it was found that they still preferred face-to-face education.
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