The Reflections of Girls at Risk about Their Future and Profession Perceptions to Their Drawings

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  • Ceren Tekin Karagöz
  • Nuray Mamur



Kız çocuk, kadın meslekleri, toplumsal cinsiyet, risk altındaki çocuk, çocuk resimleri


This study has been done to designate the profession perceptions of future, working human and distinct differences between editing of composition in the drawings of the girls at risk aged between 10 to 14. This study using qualitative research method has been carried out with 12 girls at risk living in Yenidoğan district who were registered with communication information at Federation of People at Difficult Conditions located in Ankara. The model of research is “Case Study”. In this research data has been collected by observations, interviews and documents. For the resolution and interpretation of the collected data four experts other than researcher have been consulted to find out different views, different indicators and meanings. And for the analysis of data the support of two experts has been taken. According to results of research; girls are observed to have a limited perception of people working, to have dreams of working some far from reality and some taking a good education to have a nice job. They are observed to have a perception containing concepts like housewife, about the fields those women mostly work. Additionally the professions which the girls want to acquire in the future most are school teaching, which they see around very often, policing; and coaching which is because of the training course they take at Federation of People at Difficult Conditions.



How to Cite

Tekin Karagöz, C. ., & Mamur, N. . (2015). The Reflections of Girls at Risk about Their Future and Profession Perceptions to Their Drawings. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 3(1).