Integration of Micro-Credentials into Higher Education: Faculty Perspectives
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Micro-credit, extra-curricular competences, recognition of prior learning, European Qualifications Framework, Council of Higher EducationAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the views and expectations of instructors regarding micro-competencies, which are believed to have a significant impact on the future of learning and teaching in higher education. In the study, which took a phenomenological approach based on qualitative research methods, interviews were performed with 12 faculty chosen using a criterion sample procedure and semi-structured interview forms. The collected data was evaluated using both content and descriptive analysis. As a result of the investigation, 12 themes emerged. As a result of the research, it was determined that micro-competencies have not been sufficiently conceptualized in higher education; micro-competencies are similar to various structures inside and outside the university; different models for their structuring are proposed; and potential problems are anticipated, as well as facilitating options for their implementation. Although it is known that policy and preparation studies are being carried out in the relevant institutions, it is hoped that the views of the faculties revealed as a result of the research will shed light on the integration of micro-competencies into higher education in a more qualified way.
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