Mathematical Thinking and Learning in Early Childhood: A Consolidated Qualitative Synthesis of Cutting-Edge Research Literature

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  • Rusen Meylani Dicle University



Early Childhood Mathematics, Playful Learning Strategies, Cognitive Development, Curriculum Design and Instructional Strategies, Technology and Environmental Influences, Community Engagement and Professional Development, Global Trends and Ethical Perspectives, Supportive Learning Environments


This study aims to synthesize current research on early childhood mathematical thinking and learning, focusing on cognitive development, instructional strategies, and environmental influences. The study provides a comprehensive qualitative analysis, integrating diverse theoretical frameworks and recent empirical findings for a nuanced understanding of early math education. Methodologically, it employs a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies, systematically reviewing literature from various academic databases to identify key patterns and themes. The research design involves coding text, developing descriptive themes, and generating analytical themes from peer-reviewed studies published between 2014 and 2024. The primary outcomes highlight the significant impact of play-based learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and parental involvement on early mathematical development. Additionally, the study underscores the role of technology and supportive learning environments in enhancing children's math skills. Conclusions emphasize the importance of holistic and culturally responsive educational practices. The practical implications provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, researchers, and parents aiming to improve early childhood math education.


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How to Cite

Meylani, R. (2024). Mathematical Thinking and Learning in Early Childhood: A Consolidated Qualitative Synthesis of Cutting-Edge Research Literature. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (40), 82–127.