Creating Digital Storytelling as Digital Materials in Mathematics Education

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Digital storytelling, Digital materials, Teacher education, Mathematics education


The digitalization of stories through technology-supported software has created the concept of digital stories. In recent years, researchers have been making efforts to investigate the effects of digital stories that have started to be used as digital materials in education. This study aims to evaluate the digital stories created by preservice mathematics teachers for mathematics courses, their experiences in the process of creating digital stories, and their views on the use of digital storytelling as digital materials in mathematics courses. This qualitatively designed study was conducted with the participation of 49 preservice elementary mathematics teachers and lasted 7 weeks. It was found that the digital stories created by the participating preservice teachers were moderately acceptable. Participants characterized digital storytelling as materials that are interesting, support teaching, and provide visual richness. They also stated that they intended to use digital storytelling when they begin working as teachers. However, due to the time-consuming nature of the process, most participants stated that they would use ready-made digital stories instead of creating them themselves. Additionally, the results of this study provide information about the experiences of preservice teachers regarding the process of creating digital storytelling.


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How to Cite

ŞEN, E. ÖZGÜR. (2024). Creating Digital Storytelling as Digital Materials in Mathematics Education . Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (40), 55–81.