Exploring Global Education in Early Childhood: Preschool Teachers' Perspective

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Global education, global citizenship, preschool education, Maxqda


The need for education to emphasize global perspectives is evident as globalisation increasingly permeates our daily lives, cultural interactions and ethnic diversity gain prominence. This study aims to explore the role of global education in the preschool years. Specifically, the present study examines the perspectives of preschool educators. Using a basic qualitative research design, this study involved 36 preschool teachers from different cities in Turkey. Convenience sampling was used to form the participant cohort. Data collection consisted of a personal information survey and a carefully designed semi-structured interviewing protocol developed by the researchers. Content analysis using MAXQDA software was used to analyse the data. The results of the analysis revealed that the educators had a foundational knowledge of the nature, content, pedagogical approaches and potential outcomes of global education in the context of early childhood education. At the same time, educators articulated potential challenges in implementing global education. They also identified potential needs for additional training and material support.


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How to Cite

BOLATTAŞ GÜRBÜZ, F., & DENİZ, Ümit. (2024). Exploring Global Education in Early Childhood: Preschool Teachers’ Perspective. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (39), 95–119. https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.39.1925