A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Kahoot! in Language Instruction

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qualitative meta-analysis, Kahoot!, computer-assisted language instruction


Mobile- and computer-based applications have become more prominent and popular since the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital tools have been used by teachers and students worldwide for educational purposes and in language classrooms. One such application is Kahoot!, which is an in-classroom or online testing and practice application released in 2013 and widely used in a variety of classrooms for entertaining practice for students, and a way for teachers to test students’ gains. Even though Kahoot! is extensively used and researched in language teaching/learning contexts, a meta-analysis of studies with particular focus on qualitative findings has been out of radar.  This proposal addresses this gap by offering an in-depth meta-analysis of qualitative studies and findings investigating the application.  Research articles utilizing qualitative methods published between 2013, Kahoot!'s official beta release, and 2022 were gathered and analyzed to reveal trends, limitations, and gaps in the literature. The findings revealed that the majority of students and teachers who participated in Kahoot! quizzes reported positive sentiments, though several concerns were raised regarding their effective use. This analysis suggests that improving instructional effects in educational settings hinges upon well-informed decision-making processes, skilful classroom management, and proficient computer literacy. When strategically employed, these factors can significantly enrich educational practices.


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How to Cite

Yıldırım, M. A., & Sağlamel, H. (2024). A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Kahoot! in Language Instruction. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (39), 69–94. https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.39.1903