Mathematics Teachers' Experiences of Positive Error Climate

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  • Senem Kalaç Atatürk University
  • Merve Özkaya Atatürk University
  • Alper Cihan Konyalıoğlu Atatürk University



Positive error climate, MAXQDA, effective, permanent learning


In the qualitative case study in which the question, "What are teachers' views on the applicability of positive error climate in the classroom?" was sought to be answered, 19 mathematics teachers working in different provinces of Turkey, having more than five years of professional experience and receiving master's degree education constituted the study group. Before this study, teachers' attitudes and behaviors toward errors were taken in writing. At the end of the eleven-week implementation, the teachers' opinions about the implementation were obtained through interviews, and content analysis was applied to the data with MAXQDA. 2020. Under the theme of positive error climate experience, teachers evaluated the application as effective, fun, providing permanent learning and increasing self-confidence. On the other hand, they stated the negative aspects as insufficient time, difficulties in classroom management, and causing mislearning. Seventeen participants stated that they would use the error climate in their classrooms.


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How to Cite

Kalaç, S., Özkaya, M., & Konyalıoğlu, A. C. (2024). Mathematics Teachers’ Experiences of Positive Error Climate. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (38), 1–23.