An Overview of Digital Storytelling Studies in Classroom Education in Turkey

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the findings of studies on digital storytelling in the field of classroom education in Turkey using the systematic review method and determine the type of distribution that exists. The study analyzed 36 scientific publications made until the end of 2021. ERIC, Web of Science, Ulakbim, Google Scholar and National Thesis Center databases of the Council of Higher Education were used in the selection of the studies. Each of the theses and articles were analysed by content analysis and the results obtained from the research were examined in terms of digital storytelling tools. In the interpretation of the data obtained, tables were used and only frequencies were included numerically in the tables. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the outputs of all categories in the studies using desktop applications were mostly obtained from Photostory. When we look at the results of the studies in which web-supported tools were used, it was determined that the cognitive outputs were mostly obtained from the studies in which Powtoon and Tondoo tools were included in the implementation process. Similarly, the data revealed in terms of social and teaching aspects were obtained from studies dealing with Powtoon as a digital storytelling tool. Goanimate software was generally used in studies involving technological and affective findings. It was determined that the results evaluated under the psychomotor title were generally obtained from studies in which Goanimate and Storyjumper were used. Based on these results, in order to reach web 4.0 technology, virtual libraries that contain digital stories can be created in schools in Turkey. In rural areas that are unable to access the Internet, mobile libraries can be prepared.


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How to Cite

İSPİR, B., & Yıldız, A. (2023). An Overview of Digital Storytelling Studies in Classroom Education in Turkey. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (35).