Bullying from the Perspective of Multigrade Classroom Teachers

Multigrade classroom, bullying, primary schoolAbstract
Multigrade classrooms are classrooms where multiple grades are combined into a single class due to factors such as small numbers of students, teachers, or classrooms, and they are usually taught by one teacher. This study examined the opinions of primary school teachers with experience in multigrade classrooms regarding bullying. The teachers’ opinions were examined within the categories of definitions of bullying behaviors, types and causes, coping strategies, effects, and preventive measures. The qualitative research method of multiple case studies was applied. The teacher group was selected from among a readily accessible sample and semi-structured interview forms were administered. MAXQDA 2020 software was used to analyze the data and organize the findings. These findings showed that bullying behavior is generally exhibited by older and stronger students, and that the presence of different age groups together also contributes to bullying behavior. It was concluded that age differences stood out in the definitions of bullying offered by teachers in multigrade classrooms, and verbal, physical, and social types of bullying were observed. It is recommended that courses on multigrade classrooms and bullying be added to primary teacher education programs, “Teaching in Multigrade Classrooms” be made a mandatory course, and issues related to bullying be included in the contents of that course to ensure the development of teachers in these areas.
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