Views of The Piano Instructors on The Piano Performance of Music Teacher Candidates

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  • Bilge Pirlibeylioğlu
  • Özlem Akın Şişman



Piyano Performansı, Piyano Eğitimi, Müzik Eğitimi


The aim of the research to get the views of piano instructors on the piano performance of the music teacher candidates studying on the 3rd and 4th grade of the university. This research is based on basic qualitative research approach. The study consists of 12 piano instructors working the in the department of music education in Aegean region in 2014-2015 academic year. Data are collected by interview forms prepared by the researcher. The collected data is analyzed according to descriptive method and collected under six themes. The study shows that teacher candidates can’t reach the expected piano performance. It is recommended to place more emphasis on functional piano skills and Turkish tunes



How to Cite

Pirlibeylioğlu, B. ., & Akın Şişman, Özlem . (2017). Views of The Piano Instructors on The Piano Performance of Music Teacher Candidates. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 5(2).