Nature of Science in Turkish Elementary Science Education Curriculum: An Investigation of 2005 and 2013 Curricula

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  • Muhammet Özden
  • Baki Cavlazoğlu



İlköğretim fen dersi öğretim programı, bilim okuryazarlığı, bilimin doğası


In the present study, using a basic qualitative research design NOS aspects regarding explicit approach in 2005 and 2013 Turkish elementary school science curricula was investigated. This research design approach helped us to explore the curricula by comparing their NOS aspects within a qualitative research perspective. In order to answer our research questions, criterion sampling strategy was used. To do so, three criteria were considered: (i) targeted curriculum should have a goal for scientific literacy, (ii) targeted curriculum should include topics about NOS or related topics to NOS such as science-technology-society-environment, (iii) targeted curriculum should be developed for elementary school level science classrooms. Therefore, 2005 and 2013 Turkish elementary school science curricula, which met our sampling criteria, were our sample in this study. In analyzing these two curricula, a qualitative content analysis technique was employed. Based upon our analysis we found that both 2005 and 2013 Turkish elementary school science curricula ignored some aspects of NOS in terms of explicit approach and did not contain a sufficient level of NOS aspects. It can be suggested that 2013 Turkish elementary school science curricula should be revised and empowered in terms of nature of science to achieve scientific literacy.



How to Cite

Özden, M. ., & Cavlazoğlu, B. (2015). Nature of Science in Turkish Elementary Science Education Curriculum: An Investigation of 2005 and 2013 Curricula. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 3(2).