Perspective of an Middle School Mathematics Teacher’s on Using WebQuest

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  • Aytaç Kurtuluş
  • Tuba Ada
  • H. Bahadır Yanık



WebQuest, proje ödevi, ortaokul matematik öğretmeni


The purpose of this study was twofold. First, to describe views of middle school mathematics teacher who, for the first time, implemented WebQuest in her classroom. Second, to get the teacher’s opinions about the effectiveness of WebQuest on students. The teacher applied the WebQuest based on histograms as a project assignment for her 8th grade students. This qualitative study was designed as a phenomenological study. Data were gathered through teacher interviews at the beginning, during and after implementation of a WebQuest. Student presentations were also observed. The findings of the study showed that WebQuest application supported student motivation and self-confidence. The results also indicated that WebQuests could be used as project and performance assignments and support middle school mathematics program.



How to Cite

Kurtuluş, A. ., Ada, T. ., & Yanık, H. B. . (2014). Perspective of an Middle School Mathematics Teacher’s on Using WebQuest. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 2(1).