University Students’ Perceptions toward Ethical Responsibilities of Faculties

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  • Ferda Erdem
  • Ece Ömüriş
  • Özlem Öz
  • Hüseyin Boz
  • Mehmet Özmen
  • Umut Kubat



Üniversite, öğretim elemanı, etik sorumluluk, öğrenci algılamaları


The aim of this study is to identify the ethical aspects of faculty-student relation that characterizes life in university. The basic research question focuses on the behaviors of the faculty that the students perceive as ethical responsibilities. In this study, it was also analyzed whether ethical responsibilities influenced the students’ perception of the faculty as role models. Two focus group interviews were held with the senior university students at the first phase of the study that was performed through both qualitative and quantitative methods; furthermore, students’ perceptions toward the ethical aspects of faculty-student relation were analyzed. At the second phase of the study, short scenarios were created to demonstrate the ethical dilemmas relating to the responsibilities that were most commonly highlighted during the focus group discussions and interviews, and then the scenarios were piloted with 69 students that studied at four departments of a public university. 250 students at four departments participated in the actual study that was performed after the scenarios were revised on the basis of the pilot results. The findings show that the students perceive competence, consistency and justice as the ethical responsibilities of the faculty. Moreover, fair treatment alone was found to be associated with the students’ perception of the faculty as their role models. The results of the study point out that ethical behavior are related to various factors, while at the same time presenting some hints for new research questions. In the light of these assessments, it is thought that a strong university culture consisting of ethical values and conduct will be increasingly more important for the universities that have been intensively trying to comply with the universal educational codes recently. Particularly formalizing the teaching staff training program in a way to get the candidates adopt ethical responsibilities as much as the academic qualifications will contribute to the development of a university culture with strong ethical codes.



How to Cite

Erdem, F. ., Ömüriş, E. ., Öz, Özlem ., Boz, H. ., Özmen, M. ., & Kubat, U. . (2014). University Students’ Perceptions toward Ethical Responsibilities of Faculties. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 2(1).