The Evaluation of the Emergency Remote Teaching Process in Higher Education During Pandemic: TRNC Sample

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  • Bahar Aygun
  • Huseyin Ulak
  • Behcet Oznacar



Emergency remote teaching, online education, higher education, education during pandemic, covid-19


The objective of this study is to define the factors that hinder an effective online education through the opinions of the instructors regarding the transition process to emergency remote education due to the COVID-19 global pandemic as well as to determine the measures that are possible to be taken for the enhancement of the qualities in the field of education. As a qualitative research method, a phenomenological pattern is applied to the study for a detailed version of the teachers’ experiences throughout the study. While composing the study group, the criterion sampling method is applied accordingly. The study group of this work is composed of 13 instructors who are determined from 7 universities which are actively functioning within TRNC. A semi-structured interview form with four questions, observation, and document analysis are used to collect data in order to increase the credibility of this study and to provide a thorough review of the issue. The outcome of this work indicates that problems occurred due to technical substructure inadequacies, thus the instructors encountered problems with the lessons that required application. It is found that the instructors need training for technology utilisation in teaching. It is considered that this work is to contribute to higher education institutions for the measurements to be taken for the betterment of the emergency remote teaching process and to enhance the quality of the teaching.


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How to Cite

Aygun, B., Ulak , H., & Oznacar, B. (2023). The Evaluation of the Emergency Remote Teaching Process in Higher Education During Pandemic: TRNC Sample. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (33).