Gateway to Europe in Education: eTwinning Projects

eTwinning, project, information and communication technologies, cooperation, teacherAbstract
This research was conducted in a basic qualitative research design to examine the advantages, disadvantages and limiting factors of eTwinning projects. The study group of the research consisted of 15 volunteer teachers from different branches working in public schools in Konya province in the 2019-2020 academic year, who had experience in eTwinning projects. The data were obtained through a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers. A descriptive analysis technique was used for data analysis. The findings obtained in this study showed that eTwinning projects had advantages, such as improving learning/teaching, cultural interaction, self-confidence and language development. It was also concluded that the projects positively affected teachers’ professional and personal development. Regarding the disadvantages of the projects, half of the participant teachers stated that there were no disadvantages, while half of them stated that the projects had disadvantages, such as taking too much time and requiring sacrifice. When the factors limiting the development of eTwinning projects were examined, the negative attitudes of the school administration, time problems and students’ lack of technical infrastructure drew attention. According to these results, it can be suggested that school administrators should support eTwinning project applications and project activities should be disseminated in schools.
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