A Psychomythological Syndrome: The Andromeda Complex in Occupational Life and Its Dimensions

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  • Burcu Akkaya




Andromeda Complex, psychological syndrome, psychomythological syndrome, Cinderella Complex, social gender


In both their private and occupational lives, women sometimes feel powerless due to the problems they encounter and exhibit the behavior of waiting for help. One of the psychomythological syndromes that causes women to lag behind men in work life is defined as the Andromeda Complex. The aim of this study, which was designed in the "analytical research" model, one of the qualitative research methods, is to analyze the Andromeda Complex, which expresses this redemptive waiting syndrome women experience consciously or unconsciously, and to determine the dimensions of the Andromeda Complex experienced by women. The analysis is based on three narratives that form the foundations of this complex. For this purpose, these three narratives, namely the myth of "Andromeda," which gave the complex its name, "Cendrillon" by Charles Perrault, and "Cinderella" by the Brothers Grimm, were analyzed through the content analysis technique to determine the dimensions of the female depiction drawn in these tales. According to the research findings, emotionality, daydreaming, being dependent, not being combative, belief that a savior will come, and internalizing social gender roles constitute the individual dimension of the Andromeda Complex, while social gender, gender discrimination, and stereotypes form the social dimension. Awareness of the factors that cause the complex may contribute to the protection of women who play an active role in many areas of social life, especially in the education and health sectors, from this complex, especially in the workplace, to gain self-confidence, to their well-being, and their productivity.


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How to Cite

Akkaya, B. (2023). A Psychomythological Syndrome: The Andromeda Complex in Occupational Life and Its Dimensions. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (33). https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.33.1700