The Relationship Between Work Engagement, Initiative-Taking, Career Planning and Uncertainty Management in Educational Administrators: A Mixed Methods Research

Uncertainty Management, Work Engagement, Initiative Taking, Career Planning, Mixed Method ResearchAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the relationships between work engagement, initiative, career planning and uncertainty management in education administrators. In the study, the descriptive sequential mixed method design was used and the process included first collecting quantitative data and then supporting the quantitative results with comprehensive qualitative data. The quantitative part sample of the research was carried out by cluster and simple random sampling method from education administrators working in Karatay, Meram and Selçuklu districts of Konya province; The qualitative part sample was selected from the educational administrators in the quantitative part sample on a voluntary basis by the criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposive sampling methods. The quantitative data of the study were collected with the scales of Uncertainty Management, Taking Initiative, Work Engagement, Career Planning, and the qualitative data were collected with a semi-structured interview form prepared for use in the research. Descriptive and inferential statistics were made for the quantitative part, and theme, descriptive and content analyses were made for the qualitative part. In the quantitative part of the study, it was found that there was a statistically significant relationship between the variables of work engagement, initiative, career planning and uncertainty management, and that work engagement, initiative and career planning predicted uncertainty management; In the qualitative part, it has been concluded that competent, adequate and qualified education administrators should be selected on the basis of merit and fairly, in order for education administrators to manage uncertainty, integrate with the job, take initiative and make career planning.
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