Teaching Profession Law According to the Perspective of Union Representative Teachers

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  • Soner DOGAN Sivas Cumhuriyet University
  • Yücel OKTAY Sivas Cumhuriyet University
  • Emine Tunçer GÜNAY Sivas Cumhuriyet University




Teaching Profession Law, career steps, professional status, professional development


This study, which aims to analyze the Teaching Profession Law in terms of purpose, content, and innovations, according to the opinions of teachers, was designed according to the phenomenology pattern. The study was determined by the criterion sampling method. The working group consisted of six workplace representatives of the three education unions affiliated with the Ministry of National Education and three teachers. A semi-structured interview form consisting of open-ended questions developed by the researchers was used. The content analysis method was used in the analysis of the research data. According to the results, participants find the law insufficient for reasons such as limited content, insufficient improvement of personal rights, not determining the general competencies, teachers' lack of access to professional development programs, not approaching teaching holistically, and not meeting the needs and demands of teachers. Participants stated that the law did not meet expectations regarding the selection, training, and on-the-job training of teachers and that the teaching career steps did not provide teachers with the motivation to improve themselves. It has been concluded that the issues of "supervision and guidance system" and "professional ethics" are not included in the Teaching Profession Law, which is an important deficiency.


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How to Cite

DOGAN, S., OKTAY, Y., & GÜNAY, E. T. (2024). Teaching Profession Law According to the Perspective of Union Representative Teachers. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (37), 220–246. https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.37.1659