Experiences and Expectations of Health Sciences Students towards Licensing Examination: A Collective Case Study
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Health sciences students, Licensure examination, Students’ performance, Instrumental Case StudyAbstract
This qualitative collective case study aimed to explore the perceptions and expectations towards relatively low performances in licensure exams among Health Sciences students at Harar Health Sciences College, from multiple perspectives. The study involved 15 participants, who were selected using purposive sampling, and data was collected through face-to-face one-on-one interviews using open-ended questionnaires and analyzed thematically. The study found that language barriers, poor reading habits, a lack of guidance and advisory services, a lack of study time, poor communication, and the absence of up-to-date learning materials were the major reasons for low performance in licensure examinations. The study recommends providing up-to-date materials, challenging assignments, focusing on professional courses from entry to the profession, and creating strong guidance, advisory, monitoring, and evaluation services to improve students' academic success. The study's findings highlight a knowledge gap and may serve as a basis for stakeholders to improve students' academic success. However, the study has limitations, such as its inability to generalize the findings to the source population, the absence of related published data, and the exclusion of other stakeholders such as parents and employers. The study recommends a mixed-method or follow-up study incorporating other stakeholders to yield better findings.
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