The Evaluation of Science Applications Course Curriculum According to the Views of the Teachers

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  • Munise Seçkin Kapucu



Bilim Uygulamaları dersi öğretim programı, Bilim Uygulamaları dersi, temel yorumlayıcı nitel araştırma


In this study, it has been aimed to evaluate Science Applications course curriculum according to the views of the teachers. Basic interpretive qualitative research was used in the research. Sample of the study consists of 21 teachers who were working at Eskişehir during 2014-2015 academic years and who were teaching Science Applications course. Criteria sampling which is a method of purposive sampling is used to select the sample of the research. Data collection of the research was performed using a semi-structured interview form that consisted of 14 questions, developed by the researcher. During the data collection process, face to face interviews were conducted with teachers. Content analysis was used in data analysis. NVivo software was used during coding. The findings of the research indicated that teachers haven’t had sufficient information about the properties and content of the Science Applications course. Moreover, they stated that they had difficulties on the provision of the materials. Teachers made the following suggestions to improve the program: the number of the gains should be decreased; the content and assessment should be more practice-based; and learning-teaching process should include trip and observation-based activities. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were submitted towards increasing the effectiveness of Science Applications course.



How to Cite

Seçkin Kapucu, M. . (2016). The Evaluation of Science Applications Course Curriculum According to the Views of the Teachers. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 4(1).