University-School Partnership: Feedback and Assessment

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  • Aysen BAKIOGLU



University-school partnership, professional development, inter-organizational cooperation, Phenomenology


In this study, we aimed to reach the opinions and feedback of university-school partnership stakeholders about the university-school partnership. In this direction, the stakeholders' opinions and experiences regarding the partnership were analyzed. The study is in phenomenological research design, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 60 participants: teachers, student teachers, lecturers, students, parents, and administrators. Content analysis results show that the feedback and assessments of the university-school partnership stakeholders were grouped under the themes of the assessment method, criticism, and expectations, and several sub-themes under each theme. In line with these findings, we tried to reveal the most crucial points in developing and maintaining university-school partnerships. In addition, at the end of the study, we indicated some suggestions such as essential quality indicators for partnerships, providing open communication channels, clearly expressed roles and responsibilities, strong relations via trust and mutual benefit, and a participatory decision-making process.


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How to Cite

BAKIOGLU, A., & KIRISCI SARIKAYA, A. (2022). University-School Partnership: Feedback and Assessment. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (32).