The Combination of Flipped Learning, Station Technique and Technology in Harmony Lesson: Evaluating Student’s Achievement, Attitude and Views

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Harmony, BandLab, Flipped Learning, QR Codes, YouTube, distance education, zoom breakout rooms


To mitigate the negative impacts of COVID-19 on the distance education Harmony course, a contemporary educational strategy with experimental content has been developed in this study. This research uses a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design, combining (a) a pretest-posttest control group design and (b) a qualitative study to comprehend the potential quantitative changes resulting from the use of the flipped learning model, station technique, and technology combination. The technology combination is built with the Bandlab social music platform, YouTube lesson support platform, QR codes, and Zoom Breakout Rooms. The study examines how these approaches affect students' success in the harmony lesson, their attitudes towards the lesson, and their learning experiences. The study sample consists of music teaching 2nd-grade students (control group n=41 & experimental group n=44). The experimental procedure takes nine weeks and includes three stages. After the learning sessions, individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with the experimental group students. As a result, positive improvements were achieved in students' attitudes towards the lesson, their success levels, and their learning experiences.


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How to Cite

ULUDAĞ, A. K. (2023). The Combination of Flipped Learning, Station Technique and Technology in Harmony Lesson: Evaluating Student’s Achievement, Attitude and Views. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (35).