Evaluation of Daily Lesson Planning Competency of Physical Education and Sports Teachers

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  • Burak Güneş
  • Ayse Dilsad MIRZEOGLU
  • Oznur KARADAG
  • Kadir ATLI




Beden Eğitimi ve Spor, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmeni, Planlama, Günlük Plan, Yeterlilik


This research aims to evaluate the daily lesson planning competency of physical education and sports teachers. A qualitative research method, phenomenology pattern, was used in the study. Maximum variation and convenience sampling, among the purposive sampling methods, were used to determine the participants during the study. Data of the study were obtained by examining the original daily plans of 23 volunteer physical education and sports teachers working in Istanbul, Sakarya, Duzce, and Kastamonu. Two faculty members obtained daily plans through document analysis with deductive approach using “Daily Lesson Plan Evaluation Form- Physical Education and Sports” developed by the researchers. The results have shown that teachers do not care about curriculum and achievements, focus mainly on the activities, and use various methods to practice activities. Still, they do not include sufficient detail in their plans for the context of methods while planning. Besides, it may be stated that they do not pay much attention to the assessment part and reflection. In conclusion, measures should be taken to improve the planning skill, which is thought to have an important contribution to the quality of the course.


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How to Cite

Güneş, B., MIRZEOGLU, A. D., KARADAG, O. ., ATLI, K. ., & YALCINKAYA, N. . (2022). Evaluation of Daily Lesson Planning Competency of Physical Education and Sports Teachers. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, (32). https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.32.1550