A Qualitative Study on Defining the Concept of Hope from Primary School to University

Umut, Sosyal Destek, Özyeterlik, Özgüven, Amaç BelirlemeAbstract
Hope, which provides individuals productivity and to think about future is related with meaning of life, well-being, self-confidence and resilience concepts. The purpose of the research is to determine how well is hope defined by individuals in different age groups and identify individuals thinking about hope whose gender, birth order, monthly income of families, self-efficacy beliefs, perceived social support and personality characteristics are different. The research that designed in qualitative research is conducted with two separate study groups. One of these groups is chosen with convenience sampling strategy and the other one was determined using criterion sampling which is one of the purposive sampling methods. Compositions on "hope" were asked to write to the first study group consisting of 476 elementary, middle, secondary and higher education students, and focus group interviews were carried out with 15 higher education students in the second study group. According to compositions, it was seen that participants defined hope as positive feelings and thoughts, objectives for the future and endeavoring. It was determined students’ developmental stage and its characteristics and socio-economic and cultural environment of where they live have an effect on hope definitions of students who are at different ages and education levels. It is stated in focus group interviews, while defining hope participants emphasized the emotional and cognitive components of hope, its context about positive expectations for future, giving meaning to life and the importance of setting goals with potential probability. Besides, in both of the study groups it is indicated that hoping is not a passive waiting, making an effort is necessary to achieve the goals, especially while dealing with challenges it is important to maintain this effort with self-confidence. The role of religious belief is also stated while talking about factors influencing hope. As a result of the focus group interviews, it was determined that students who are different at gender, self-efficacy beliefs, perceived social support and personality characteristics have differences on their opinions about hope.
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